Red Phantom Tetra

Red Phantom Tetra

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Tetras are unique tank mates for any aquarist looking to pet a lovely, easy-to-care fish in a home aquarium. And the red phantom tetra is one of the most captivating variants of the tetra species that live freely in a tank and roams around with much fun.

Red phantom tetra is a very tank-friendly fish with its reddish appearance and unique characteristics. They are calm and easy to care for in a 54-liter tank with slightly alkaline water. They usually grow to 2-inches and live for 5-10 years, which makes them best for beginners.


Care Level Moderate
Temperament Docile, but an opportunistic omnivore
Color Bronze body with red-tipped fins
Lifespan ~5 years
Size ~1.5 inches
Diet Omnivore
Family Characidae
Scientific Name Hyphessobrycon sweglesi
Minimum Tank Size >14 gallons
Tank Setup Freshwater, plants, caves
Compatibility Peaceful, shoaling species