Pineapple Cobra Guppy

Pineapple Cobra Guppy

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The Cobra Guppy, is one of the many unique varieties of Poecilia reticulata guppy developed through years of careful selective breeding. The Cobra Guppy features a snakeskin pattern from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail

The Guppies require an aquarium of at least 60 Litres in size. It is a very peaceful fish and should be housed with tankmates of similar temperament. Though the Guppy is a hardy fish tolerant of small changes in water parameters, care should be taken to keep water temperature, pH, and nutrient levels in check. The Black Guppy makes an excellent fish for beginning hobbyists as it is a hardy and energetic fish that is easy to keep in the freshwater community aquarium.

Guppies are relatively easy to breed even for the beginning aquarists. If you are interested in breeding guppies, the ideal aquarium should have a covering of floating plants and a breeding box to protect the fry. Adults may eat the fry if left to fend for themselves without the breeding box. The fry should be fed brine shrimp, micro food and pulverized flakes.

Guppies are an omnivore and require both algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp will provide guppies with the proper nutrition.

  • Species – Poecilia Reticulata
  • Common Name – Pineapple Guppy
  • Origin – South America, particularly in countries such as Brazil, Barbados, and Guyana.
  • Diet – Omnivorous
  • PH Range – 6.8 – 7.8
  • Temperature – Tropical and Coldwater 22°c – 28°c
  • Breed Type – Livebearer
  • Current Size – approximately 3.5cm (Grows up to approximately 4-6cm)
  • Sex – Male