Clown Loach 6cm

Clown Loach 6cm

Regular price $35.00 AUD
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The Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus) is a colorful, active species that is One of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. It is a very long-lived fish that gradually grows to a very impressive size with proper care. It is a very active, inquisitive fish that is very gregarious in nature.  It can thrive in a relatively wide temperature range and is compatible with many other species.

The aquarium of the Clown Loach should include plenty of plants, rockwork, and driftwood for it to explore. Plenty of cover is necessary for this species and will ensure the most activity and least stress. The Clown Loach is an active species that also needs plenty of clear room in the aquarium for swimming and exploring. It exhibits a very sophisticated schooling behavior and social hierarchy where each individual species constantly strives to be the “leader of the school” by swimming to the front of the group. While this behavior may seem aggressive, it generally involves no real fighting and results in an exceptional level of activity. As long as the school includes at least 6-8 specimens, aggression or bullying within the school will be minimal or nonexistent. However, if the Clown Loach is kept solitarily or in too small of a group, it can become withdrawn or aggressive. It will sometimes jump from the water, so a secure lid is necessary for its aquarium.  

The Clown Loach will thrive in an aquarium with very clean, well-maintained, high-oxygen water of moderate or high water flow and is generally peaceful with other species of fish, although its boisterous nature can be stressful to other very passive fish. The Clown Loach should not be kept with timid, slow-moving, or long-finned species, but it can be an excellent tankmate to other fast-moving, more durable species. The Clown Loach, like most typical loaches, often preys on tiny shrimp and snails. This is very useful in helping reduce “pest snails,” but must also be considered with larger ornamental snails and shrimp. The Clown Loach is a predator of many invertebrates.


  • Temperature:  24° - 30° C
  • pH:  6.2 – 7.5
  • KH:  1 - 12 dKH


  • Diet:  Omnivore. Live and frozen meaty foods, especially frozen foods such as cyclops, Daphnia, Artemia, Tubifex, and bloodworms will all be readily accepted. High quality dry foods are also likely to be accepted. Some plant and fruit matter, such as cucumber, zucchini, blanched spinach, and melon should also be offered.
  • Social behavior MUST be kept in schools of 6-8+ specimens. This species exhibits complex schooling behavior and will often become withdrawn or aggressive when kept by solitary or in smaller groups.
  • Origin:  Borneo, Sumatra
  • Average adult size:  20 - 30 cm
  • Average purchase size:  2.5 - 3.8 cm